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Updated: Sep 9, 2020

It's time to take action!

In January 2020, an article in The Guardian written by Patrick Butler, reported that social mobility was in decline in Britain. It referenced the annual poll by the Social Mobility Commission which found only a third of 18- to 24-year-olds said they thought everyone in Britain today had a fair chance to progress, compared with almost half of those aged 65 and over. 44% of those surveyed also mentioned that where a person ends up in society was largely determined by their background and only 35% felt that everyone had a fair chance.

There is a strong relationship between top levels of income inequality and low levels of social mobility. Students of highly paid individuals are more likely to be highly paid and students of low-paid individuals are more likely to be low earners reported. The Equality Trust. And this is likely to continue to become more vast with the economy likely to shrink thanks to COVID-19.

The disparity continues further, which is apparent with the recent events surrounding Black Lives Matter. It has not only raised questions on race, but magnified and highlighted the feelings towards the lack of Social Mobility in the UK for the BAME community.

Yet, the economy would be boosted by around £170 billion in total* or £2,620 per person each year from positive social mobility. Why hasn’t the needle moved? £170 billion is around the same amount that Brexit would have cost the UK by the end of 2020.

Here at TG Consulting, we believe that everyone has the right to social mobility, and therefore together with Team Flight Group we have introduced RE:Action. We believe there is a lack of awareness to prospective students and graduates of what they can achieve and we want to ensure that there are clear career journeys to all backgrounds, especially those from a BAME community. So they can see clear pathways with clarity to become future leaders of business in the UK. There are three audiences we wish to work with to achieve this ambition.

  • The first is to work with Higher Education establishments. Helping to create and support in creating tailor-made strategies in recruitment, engagement, progression and graduate outcomes, aligning to UK businesses, growth markets and potential future career paths.

  • The second is to work with UK employers. We wish to create and support in the creation of tailor-made strategies in recruitment and engagement, but with a focus on progression throughout the organisation for talented individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. Providing leaders of the future for their organisations from non affluent backgrounds.

  • Finally, we wish to work with those who have an interest to see social mobility succeed in academia. Associations or Governmental led departments who are stakeholders to educators or employers. We want to help you through strategy, training and keynote talks, to ensure your stakeholders are aware of the current position of social mobility in the UK.

Together, through RE:Action we will show those with aptitude how to advance their career from within or in between social strata's, especially for those with a BAME background. Provide a clarity of visible and defined career journeys, we can help them achieve their desired ambitions.

Self-attainment is undeniable, and with a commitment to uncover and promote the choices available, all of us can support equality in opportunity.

If you would like to discuss how we can help you with RE:Action, please get in touch at Nothing bad ever happens from a good conversation.

What do TG Consulting offer?

TG Consulting offer a bespoke service and are building a culture to challenge the way that universities, employers and suppliers work together, with students at the core. We work in true partnership with our clients, all of whom benefit from our insight, knowledge and experience.

You will receive our full focus as we approach every project with fresh ideas. As such, the work of TG Consulting has been recognised at this year’s UK Social Mobility Awards, as we have been shortlisted under the Small Business of the Year category.

If you are interested in a virtual coffee and a free initial consultation, please contact us via

By Tonia Galati, TG Consulting Director & Founder

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